Ready for Rajasthan

Have you heard of Rajasthan? It’s a mountainous region in northern India along the Pakistan border. Rajasthan is home to almost 77 million people, only 0.01% of whom are Christians. That means there is only ONE believer for every TEN THOUSAND people in Rajasthan. It is a hard place.

But because you gave, we are getting ready to expand into Rajasthan so we can train leaders to be bright points of light in this dark region. I can’t wait to see what God does. And I want to introduce you to the man who is spearheading this strategic launch: Amit Mondal, our Director of South Asia.

Amit is a visionary. He has been laboring to transform India and South Asia with Global Action since 2002. He knows how to dream big and get the job done. And he has a heart for the places that are hardest to reach. In India, these places are can be downright dangerous for Christians. But he is undaunted, because these are precisely the places that need godly leaders and healthy churches the most.

We praise the Lord for Amit and others like him, who are boldly advancing the Gospel around the world. And we ask you to pray with us for Amit and our expansion into Rajasthan. Thank you for partnering with us in this important work!

For the Gospel,

Dr. Rick Thompson
President, Global Action

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