Video – Hope in the Midst of Trauma

“Will my gift really make a difference?” This is something we all want to know when we give toward a cause we’re passionate about. And when you give to Global Action this Christmas, I can assure you the answer to that question is a resounding...

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Celebrating Our Donors!

We asked for a push to help us finish our 2023 financial year strong—and you showed up in a big way. TOGETHER we exceeded the $1M goal given for the purpose of equipping leaders in the hardest places in the world! Because of you, we...

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Final Push

Global Voices – Ukraine Zoom Call

One of the things I love most about my job is getting to hear first-hand updates and stories from our directors around the world. These stories motivate and inspire me every day. Our regional directors are serving the church in some really hard places. But...

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Copy of Voices

Open Borders, Open Doors

Equipping Leaders in Bhutan When the pandemic hit, the Buddhist hermit kingdom of Bhutan completely shut its borders. They remained closed for three long years. This year, to the great surpise of our team, one of our Bhutanese graduates showed up in Sikkim, India with...

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Equipping Workers for the Harvest

Pastor Vijay’s Story Pastor Vijay was raised in a non-Christian home in India. Eager to learn more after he came to Christ, he enrolled in a theological program where his calling to ministry was confirmed. He returned to his village and planted a house church,...

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India harvest

Growing in Latin America

It is with great excitement that we watch our work spread to new places! This month we are focusing on Latin America, where we are equipping leaders and transforming lives in seven countries. Our team includes 1 regional director, 7 country directors, 29 coordinators, and...

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March 2023 Banner

Happening Today – Trauma Training in Ukraine

The gospel transforms lives—and binds up the wounds of the brokenhearted! What good news for us all. As you read these words 60 pastors and ministry leaders are gathering together somewhere in Ukraine for a trauma healing workshop. We have ministry leaders attending who are: Serving in occupied...

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Ukraine trauma training prayer

Expanding in Colombia

When Ramiro Rivas Orozco (pictured above: front row, center), his wife and three children answered the call to move from Guatemala to Colombia as missionaries, they were eager to find ways to make a significant impact for the gospel. Global Action was the perfect fit!  Ramiro readily accepted the challenge of...

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