Equipping Workers for the Harvest
Posted on April 26, 2023

Pastor Vijay’s Story
Pastor Vijay was raised in a non-Christian home in India. Eager to learn more after he came to Christ, he enrolled in a theological program where his calling to ministry was confirmed. He returned to his village and planted a house church, which flourished and quickly grew in numbers. One day, a group of anti-Christian extremists came and broke up their gathering. “I felt helpless,” Pastor Vijay recounted.
In response, he decided to form a local group of pastors that would stand together and support one another in the hardships of ministry. These leaders were committed and sincere, and their hearts were burdened for reaching the lost and unreached. Many would even walk miles from one village to the next to preach the Good News.
But most of these pastors were first-generation Christians like himself, and Vijay soon learned that they had never attended any kind of biblical training. He grew concerned about the quality of their teaching. If they don’t have good roots in the Word of God, how effectively can they share it? They work so hard to spread the gospel, and Vijay longed to find a way to equip his fellow ministers with the tools they needed to reap a harvest.
Global Action was the answer. “This is it!” Vijay exclaimed when he learned we were coming to his area. “God heard us.” Vijay partnered with us to teach a class of 22 pastors and leaders, giving them the priceless gift of a firm foundation in Scripture.
“We are even more excited to do what we have been called to do.”
Pastor Vijay