Global Action in Britain!

Dear Friends,

Many of you in North America may not know this, but Global Action has many supporters in the United Kingdom and Western Europe. We are working to increase our profile in Europe! It seems like the only thing in the news coming out of the UK these days is BREXIT, the confusing saga of Britain’s “exit” from the European Union. But, let me share some good news.

We are working to strengthen our relationship with our friends in Britain so that we can unite our efforts to impact the world. There is a long history of Christians in the UK working together with Christians in North America for global missions. We are now exploring possible ways we can work together more closely, sharing our dreams and our resources as brothers and sisters in Christ so that Global Action can “train even MORE leaders to change the world.” I’m really excited!

Colin Williams is the director of Global Action, United Kingdom. I am spending time with Colin in the UK this week, where we have been joined by one of our active board members, Jeff Peterson, to dream big about the future. We are also on our way to the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide in England, where I serve as a research associate, to explore ways we can collaborate with their centre in the coming years. This too is exciting!

I believe that when the body of Christ works together there is almost nothing we cannot achieve. Pray for Global Action. And if you are not giving to this great cause, consider joining us! Your generosity will train pastors and leaders – to change the world – with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s work together.

With Appreciation,

Lionel Young, PhD
Vice President

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