Thank You from Ukraine!

My name is Igor Grishajev, and I am writing to you from my home in Lviv, Ukraine. It is my great honor to serve as a bridge between church leaders from different denominations in my role as Global Action’s Director of Europe.

It breaks my heart that the church in Ukraine is often known more for its divisiveness than for its love or unity. But Global Action is on a mission to change that.

We firmly believe that God is glorified when His people work together in spite of their differences. And as our students gather together to study God’s Word through our Foundations training, we can see the walls come down. Our many years of work in Ukraine have resulted in a strong reputation of trust. Now leaders from different denominations who would otherwise never work together are being brought together by our ministry.

This new unity in Christ is producing real fruit. As they work together with greater love and understanding, God’s people are now reaching more people with the Good News. Praise God!

Thank you for making this transformation possible. I am excited about everything God has in store for us this year, particularly as we prepare to begin training in new places like Hungary and Belarus. Thank you for partnering with Eastern European churches to expand God’s Kingdom!

From Ukraine,

Igor Grishajev
Director of Europe

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