Mid-Year Impact Report

We exist to equip leaders around the world to transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you are helping make that happen. We currently have more than 1,700 students studying in our program in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. This...

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20th Annual Golf Classic in Minnesota

Join us on August 22nd for our 20th Annual Global Action Golf Classic in beautiful Minnesota! All proceeds go toward equipping pastors and ministry leaders in hard places like Ukraine, South Sudan, and Cuba with strong roots in the gospel. Come golf with purpose!  When:...

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Video – Leadership in Kenya

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jriBJnlnlwA How are leaders’ lives changed in Kiserian, Kenya when theological training takes root? What are the devastating consequences of false teaching? Hear from Global Action’s Director of Africa Buhe Mativenga and Academic Director Dr. Liz Marvel about the deep and lasting impact that biblical...

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Video – Spiritual Climate in Guatemala

What does the church need among its leaders? Wendy De Rodas, Global Action Director of Guatemala, and Luis Sanchez, Local Pastor and Global Action lecturer, discuss their hope for their people and how the Foundations course impacts Latin America.

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Video – Hope in the Midst of Trauma

“Will my gift really make a difference?” This is something we all want to know when we give toward a cause we’re passionate about. And when you give to Global Action this Christmas, I can assure you the answer to that question is a resounding...

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$150,000 Match Update

Match Update: January 8, 2024 We couldn’t wait to share the news with you! We set out to raise $150,000 toward the match. Supporters like you blew us away with your response—and as a result of your generosity, the match amount was increased! Together we...

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December Match

Celebrating Our Donors!

We asked for a push to help us finish our 2023 financial year strong—and you showed up in a big way. TOGETHER we exceeded the $1M goal given for the purpose of equipping leaders in the hardest places in the world! Because of you, we...

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Final Push

Thank You for Golfing!

Thank you to each person who helped make our 19th Annual Global Action Classic in Minnesota such a success! You golfed, you gave, you served—and you helped us raise over $63,000 toward our work in Ukraine. Thank you!!!

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