Impact Spotlight: Pastor Sasha in Ukraine

Pastors and ministry leaders around the world experience a myriad of trials: war, displacement, violence, poverty, hostile governments, persecution, and more. Deep roots in Christ anchor them through the crucibles of affliction, equipping them to be beacons of hope in their communities. Pastor Sasha is...

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Mid-Year Impact Report

We exist to equip leaders around the world to transform their communities with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And you are helping make that happen. We currently have more than 1,700 students studying in our program in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America. This...

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Redeemed and Feeding His Sheep

Jhonatan Rivera’s earliest memories were marked by violence, a broken family, abandonment by his biological parents, and substance abuse. “But…God was working,” he recalls, “and I didn’t even know him.”  The pain of his circumstances eventually led him to cope with substance abuse. He confesses...

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Deeper Roots to Spreading Fruit

Herman was born into a dysfunctional family in Guatemala City. Losing his mother at an early age, he sought comfort in illicit living. Christ rescued him at age twenty-five, and he married and started his family. Upon the Lord calling him to ministry, he preached...

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Video – Leadership in Kenya How are leaders’ lives changed in Kiserian, Kenya when theological training takes root? What are the devastating consequences of false teaching? Hear from Global Action’s Director of Africa Buhe Mativenga and Academic Director Dr. Liz Marvel about the deep and lasting impact that biblical...

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On the Ground in Africa

You will also get a glimpse into the lives of some of our students in Uganda and South Sudan, who face significant challenges but are determined to cultivate strong roots in Scripture so they can pour into others. 

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Video – Spiritual Climate in Guatemala

What does the church need among its leaders? Wendy De Rodas, Global Action Director of Guatemala, and Luis Sanchez, Local Pastor and Global Action lecturer, discuss their hope for their people and how the Foundations course impacts Latin America.

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Equipping in Eastern Europe and Guatemala

We still haven’t gotten over celebrating the Lord’s goodness and your generosity as together we raised nearly $450,000 in December! Each dollar brings about greater capacity in establishing leaders all over the globe to change the world for Christ. Thank you to all who generously...

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India – Global Voices Zoom Call

You’re invited to join our next Global Voices video call! On this call, you will get to hear firsthand updates about the impact you are having. On Wednesday, March 20 at 8am CDT, we will be hosting a Zoom call with Amit Mondal, our Director...

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