José Ignacio Agüero Sevilla – Costa Rica

Ignacio grew up in a non-Christian family, and while he was never hostile towards the idea of God he didn’t encounter Christ until he was a young man and his uncle led his father and him to faith.

Ignacio immediately dove into learning all he could about his newfound faith. He studied intensively on his own, hungry to know God more deeply and understand his Word. After a season of growth, Ignacio felt called to start a Bible study in his home. This group has now grown tremendously and is reaching many people in the community and beyond.

Ignacio went through Global Action’s Foundations program in Costa Rica in 2021, and he was deeply impacted by what he learned. He threw himself into his studies and gained a vision for planting a church through his growing Bible Study group. This vision inspired him to continue growing in his knowledge of biblical theology, so he was overjoyed when he was awarded the Phil Long Scholarship from Global Action to further his education at a local seminary.