Feliz Navidad!

My name is Yuniel Cruz and I serve as the Global Action Director of Latin America. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas! I am thankful for the gift of Jesus Christ and how His birth has changed the world. Since his coming,...

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Feliz Navidad

Christmas Video and Message from President

As president of Global Action and on behalf of our global team, I want to thank you for supporting our ministry this past year. Because of your generosity in unprecedented times we have been able to train hundreds of pastors in hard places and provide...

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Rick Video

Merry Christmas from Zimbabwe!

Outreach Coordinator Buhe Mativenga thanks Global Action supporters for equipping leaders and providing emergency aid in Zimbabwe in 2020. Watch the short video to hear what you helped accomplish this year! Watch Video

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Buhe Video

Why We Give

This season of giving, a friend asked my wife and I to reflect on why we give to Global Action. The answer is simple: We believe in empowering local leaders because it provides knowledge and builds confidence in those trained to disciple and spread the...

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Why We Give

The Gift of Transformation

This year, you can give a pastor the gift of an education that will change his life forever. We provide ministry leaders who have never been to seminary with a Bible-based, life-changing educational experience in the poorest regions of the world. They are willing to...

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Gift of Transformation

Thankful for You!

This Thanksgiving season, I am thinking of the hundreds of individuals and churches that have come alongside us this past year to support Christian leaders in the developing world. In a time of global pandemic, rising poverty, and cataclysmic weather events, our financial partners have...

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Thankful for you

When the Earth Quakes

It seems like our earth is quaking. Post-election clamor in the US. Hurricanes and flooding in Central America. Political corruption in Eastern Europe. More lockdowns in Europe. COVID numbers spiking in India and Cuba and many parts of the world where we are working. It...

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When the Earth Quakes

The Kingdom of God

Like many Americans, I stayed up late last night waiting for the results of the presidential election. Americans went to the polls in record numbers to vote for their preferred candidate. And as of this morning (when I wrote this), we are still waiting. This...

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The Kingdom of God

Welcoming a New Leader

Here at Global Action, we are very excited about our vision of training 1,900+ leaders next year to transform hard places with the Gospel. It is with this goal in mind that I get to share exciting news! It is my great honor to announce...

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Nikki Green


  On May 5, 2020, Global Action is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity and giving. Global Action leaders are on the front lines of the current global crisis, where they are serving hurting communities in the hard places of the world, bringing...

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