
Ready for some good news?

Discover exciting stories about Global Action’s work around the world and how lives are being changed forever!

A Season of Giving

Yesterday was Giving Tuesday — a day that has become a reminder that this season of the year is not all about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who gave and participated! If you missed Giving...

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Season of Giving

With Gratitude

We are thankful for you!  We are not a big organization, but we are doing BIG things around the world because of you. Thank you to all the individuals and churches who give of their resources to help equip leaders around the world. Because of...

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With Gratitude

The Difference

David* is one of our most recent graduates from Bhutan, a hermit kingdom of nearly a million people who are in need of the Gospel. David had been passionately preaching and leading others for 5 years before he began training with Global Action. When he...

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The Difference

Giving Tuesday

You’ve been wondering how to make a difference in a world that is so full of need. It can be overwhelming to find a place to start. Mother Teresa once said, “if you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” At Global Action,...

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Giving Tuesday 1

Out of Africa

At the beginning of this year, our president and I began having conversations about the need for equipping leaders in Africa. I learned that this is something that has been on his heart for a very long time – and it is something that I...

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Out of Africa

Africa Rising

For those of you who know me, it won’t come as a surprise that I have been dreaming of training leaders in Africa for many years. And today I can hardly contain my excitement as my friend and colleague, Lionel Young, is in Africa exploring...

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Africa Rising

You’re Training Mayan Pastors

Late one evening last week I sat in the home of a friend in Antigua, Guatemala and listened to one of our partners talk about our work training pastors among the Mayan people. This particular training center is located more than a nine hours away...

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Training Mayan Pastors

Exciting News!

We are excited to announce that a generous ministry partner has made a commitment to help Global Action expand its work in Latin America! I just returned from meetings in Costa Rica, where we will be partnering with a large congregation near San Jose to...

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Exciting News

A Light in Cuba

My heart is full of rejoicing as I reflect on God’s faithfulness in Cuba. Our first year of training was a great success, and last week we celebrated the graduation of 231 ministry leaders in four locations across Cuba. Praise God! Each of these leaders...

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A Light in Cuba

Graduation in Guatemala

Last week I had the privilege of attending the graduation celebration in Antigua, Guatemala for 27 leaders who have just finished Global Action’s one-year program. There was such a sense of excitement in the air as I heard story after story of lives being changed...

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Graduation in Guatemala